
Change For The Better

In my work I support people and organizations in change processes. These can range from personal career development or implementing organizational structures in a start-up environment to change management in corporations or post-merger integrations. In all these cases the people involved in the changes are key to success and sustainability. To turn them into ambassadors and active creators of the change I offer personnel and process consulting, tailor-made training concepts, workshops and coaching.

During the analysis phase I intensely involve employees and stakeholders in the definition of target processes. For sustainable implementation, tools and processes are being jointly developed and aligned to the needs of the employees and the company. On this basis a custom-fit catalogue of measures is being developed to implement the desired changes. The supporting measures span from process analysis and optimization, project management, employee and leadership trainings to culture oriented measures such as team-building workshops, moderated upward feedbacks and management coaching.

Due to my extensive experience as management consultant and CHRO as well as member of the management board in a medium-sized company I offer strategic direction and individual support in identifying and using optimization potential on employee and company level.

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